Looper: 3 Stars (Blue) * * *
I really enjoyed this movie. However, there was a plot device in the second half that caused the movie to drop from amazing to just pretty good. The concept was fantastic, but it had too much additional stuff put into it. Had it not drifted into absurdity, this would have been a 5 star movie. As expected, Joseph Gordon Levitt and Bruce Willis are great, and theres also a great performace by Jeff Daniels.

Argo: 5 Stars (Gold) * * * * *
I went into this not really knowing what to expect, but I left with the feeling "that was a great movie". Which I'd say makes it worthy of 5 stars. Based on a true story, though I need to look up how accurate it is. Either way, very entertaining, informative, and overall great. Tons of great actors, especially Ben Affleck and Bryan Cranston.