Thursday, October 3, 2013

Something New

I haven't made a post here in awhile.  I don't think anyone even reads this, but I feel like I should start writing again for personal fulfillment.  In my own life there hasn't been a whole lot going on that's interesting to read or write about.  I mostly like writing about abstract things that don't directly pertain to my life anyway.

The biggest thing jumping out to write about right now is the federal government shutdown.  On one hand though it almost seems too obvious to write about that.  I'm not sure how much new information I'd have to offer regarding it, but I guess I could muse on what I think caused it and what could be drawn from it.  It seems to be a mixture of stubbornness and too much blind adherence to an ideology.

I have not read the "Obamacare" health act, but I've heard bits and pieces of what it is made up of.  The more reliable sources don't seem to me to paint a picture of something that is something worth gambling a government shutdown over.  Also, either way it was voted on and enacted in accordance to the principles of democracy, and so it would seem to me that it's opponents ought to admit defeat and let us try it out.  But the blind adherence to the republican ideology does not let them be open minded enough to do that, so they have to play the game of trying to strike it down by any means necessary.  After 40 attempts to repeal it, they found it wouldn't work so they did a work around to defund it and it backfired horribly.  One could say the democrats in the senate are to blame for not passing the act, but in my opinion they did the right thing by not budging.  It seems apparent to me that the shutdown is on the backs of the republicans.

But it is what it is.  From what it sounds like, the consequences won't be as extreme as a government shutdown might suggest.  Eventually they will agree on a budget plan and resume business as usual.  But the idea of the end of the US government is kind of fun to think about, as it would be a very significant event, one that could potentially mean the end of the nation of the United States of America.  Part of me would welcome something like that, it would be interesting to follow and it would force people to become engaged, including me.  The US seems to be almost bored as a society.

To me, the whole thing as well as most of the events in politics lately have reflected the need to see things from outside of one's determined ideology.  The ability to see things from the other side.  I do not see this going on in American society as a whole, especially from conservatives.  I usually act moderately and say that both sides are in the wrong, but the close mindedness from the right in particular as of late seems to be significantly larger.  Some beliefs about Obama and Obamacare sound completely ridiculous and unfounded.
Anyhow, I'll end this post now.  Hopefully there will be more soon.

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