Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ark Banknote Details

Just so I can save something I put together.

5 ark note - Lowest denomination. Is gray colored and has the portrait of James Hanson on the front, early parliament member and founding father. The reverse has an image of the Theopanian oblesk. Anti-counterfeit measures include a watermark and overlayed watermarks in the left corner, and a holographic strip.

10 ark note - Commonly used denomination. Is yellow colored and has the portrait of Nestor Halas, the 4th Executive Paramount of Theopanias. The reverse has a Trinitary Falcon, the national bird. Anti-counterfeit measures include a watermark and overlayed watermarks in the left corner, and a holographic strip.

20 ark note - Most commonly used denomination by regular people. Is green and has the portrait of Ezekiel Hallas, a Theopanian author. The reverse has the Chamber of Governance, the meeting place of Parliament's lower house. Anti-counterfeiting measures included multiple watermarks, overlayed watermarks in left corner, security threads, a holographic strip, raised magnetic ink, infrared and ultraviolet ink, and others that aren't made public.

The increased measures from the lower denominations are due to the raised risk of the denomination being counterfeited.

50 ark note - Commonly used denomination in larger transactions. Is blue in color and has the portrait of Beth Johnston, a woman's rights activist in Theopanias. The reverse has the Executive Mansion. Anti-counterfeiting measures included multiple watermarks, overlayed watermarks in left corner, security threads, a holographic strip, raised magnetic ink, infrared and ultraviolet ink, and others that aren't made public.

100 ark note - Most printed denomination, though not the most used by the average person. Has the portrait of Caleb Porter on the obverse, the 17th Executive Paramount. The reverse has the Supreme Court of Theopanias. Anti-counterfeiting measures included multiple watermarks, overlayed watermarks in left corner, security threads, a holographic strip, raised magnetic ink, infrared and ultraviolet ink, and others that aren't made public.

1000 ark note - Large denomination note that makes up a significant portion of arks in circulation, though the note itself is uncommon for the average person, and they tend to be used by upper class, banks, and businesses. Is indigo colored, and the Obverse has the portrait of Sarah Neichman, the 3rd Executive Paramount and a founding mother of Theopanias. Anti-counterfeiting measures included multiple watermarks, overlayed watermarks in left corner, security threads, a holographic strip, raised magnetic ink, infrared and ultraviolet ink, and others that aren't made public. There have been motions to have this note and the 10000 ark note removed due to their very large value and risk of being counterfeited or used in illegal transactions. However the Central Bank maintains that these notes draw a lot of attention when used in large quantities and have sufficent anti-counterfeit measures to prevent counterfeiting, and maintain them as active denominations.

10000 ark note - The largest denomination note, making up a large portion of arks in circulation compared to other denominations, despite rarely if ever being seen by the average person due to it's large value. Is gold in color and has the portrait of Joseph Chatillion on the obverse, the 12th Executive Paramount. The reverse depicts the Chamber of Providence, the meeting place of the upper house of Parliament. Anti-counterfeiting measures included multiple watermarks, overlayed watermarks in left corner, security threads, a holographic strip, raised magnetic ink, infrared and ultraviolet ink, and others that aren't made public. It's value is extremely large for a banknote and is one of the most valuable circulating banknotes of any currency.

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